Proof-of-Monitoring (PoM): A Novel ConsensusMechanism for Blockchain-based Secure ServiceLevel Agreement Management

Proof-of-Monitoring (PoM): A Novel ConsensusMechanism for Blockchain-based Secure ServiceLevel Agreement Management

AIn the current 5th Generation (5G) networking
paradigm, the enforcement of Service Level Agreements (SLAs)
is a non-trivial measure to ensure the scope and the qual-
ity of services and standards between tenants and service
providers (SPs). On top of this, Secure Service Level Agree-
ments (SSLA) are introduced to ensure that SPs deliver the
most critical and required security-related standards defined in
the contract, such as integrity, confidentiality, availability, non-
repudiation, and privacy assurance. However, with the tendency
for more distributed and multi-stakeholder networking archi-
tectures in next-generation networks, the management process
of such SSLAs will be challenging due to the diversified secu-
rity vulnerabilities and complexity of underlying technologies.
Although blockchain is emerging as a platform to facilitate such
distributed SSLA/SLA management frameworks, its currently
available consensus mechanisms are more generic. Still, they need
to improve in terms of applying in multi-stakeholder networks.
Therefore, this paper presents a novel consensus mechanism
called Proof-of-Monitoring (PoM) for a blockchain-based novel
SSLA management framework. Moreover, we provide details
about the prototype implementation of our proposed consensus
algorithm and SSLA management framework. It is proven
by comparing our proposal with the other existing solutions
that our solution outperforms in many aspects, such as energy
consumption, computation cost, and security features.

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Raaj Mishra
Categories: Journal Article