Can Blockchain Strengthen the Energy Internet?
- Post by: Charithri Yapa, Chamitha De Alwis and Madhusanka Liyanage
- July 29, 2021
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Emergence of the Energy Internet (EI) demands restructuring of traditional electricity grids
to integrate heterogeneous energy sources, distribution network management with grid intelligence
and big data management. This paradigm shift is considered to be a breakthrough in the energy
industry towards facilitating autonomous and decentralized grid operations while maximizing the
utilization of Distributed Generation (DG). Blockchain has been identified as a disruptive technology
enabler for the realization of EI to facilitate reliable, self-operated energy delivery. In this paper,
we highlight six key directions towards utilizing blockchain capabilities to realize the envisaged
EI.We elaborate the challenges in each direction and highlight the role of blockchain in addressing
them. Furthermore, we summarize the future research directive in achieving fully autonomous and
decentralized electricity distribution networks, which will be known as Energy Internet.