Blockchain enabled Smart Grid 2.0
- Post by: Charithri Yapa, Chamitha De Alwis and Madhusanka Liyanage
- June 8, 2022
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Smart Grid 2.0 (SG 2.0) architecture is envisaged to revolutionize the next generation of electricity networks. Further, it is identified as a key role player in realizing Industry 4.0, which is striving towards cyber-physical systems. Blockchain integration in next-generation smart grids has proven to be beneficial in catering to the requirements of SG 2.0, which are challenging to be achieved with the existing context. Blockchain integrated smart grids have room for improvement, in which 5G and beyond networks have great potential yet to be explored. This paper presents avenues available for blockchainized smart grids that would cater to distributed power generation and delivery with higher consumer discretion.
Categories: Conference Paper, Poster Presentation
Tagged: 5G, 6G, Research Area: Blockchain in 5G/6G Networks