
A Comprehensive Analysis on Network Slicing for Smart Hospital Applications

  • November 17, 2023
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Network slicing (NS) is a utilitarian technology that enables heterogeneous smart use cases in Fifth Generation (5G) and beyond networks. Smart hospitals require NS to realize its applications with diverse network requirements, which can not facilitate via traditional networks in hospital environments. NS can be performed under different strategies based on dynamicity, ownership, and application. […]

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Security Orchestration Framework for Federated Network Slicing

  • November 17, 2023
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Network slicing is a utilitarian technology in future mobile networks that can facilitate heterogeneous network requirements of a plethora of applications over a shared physical network cost-effectively. Federated slicing, an extension of conventional network slicing, allows network services across multiple administrative domains in a seamless manner. Management of security operations in such a system is […]

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Realizing Internet of Things with Network Slicing: Opportunities and Challenges

  • November 17, 2023
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Internet of Things (IoT) is a lucrative technology within the modern community that realizes the concept of the smart world, by expanding within a myriad of applications. Existing wireless networks require a radical change to fulfill the network requirements and cater the rapid expansion of the IoT ecosystem. 5G architecture is specifically designed to facilitate […]

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Survey on Network Slicing for Internet of Things Realization in 5G Networks

  • November 17, 2023
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Internet of Things (IoT) is an emerging technology that makes people’s lives smart by conquering a plethora of diverse application and service areas. In near future, the fifthgeneration (5G) wireless networks provide the connectivity for this IoT ecosystem. It has been carefully designed to facilitatethe exponential growth in the IoT field. Network slicing is one […]

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The Role of Security Orchestrator in Network Slicing for Future Networks

  • November 17, 2023
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The traditional paradigm of connecting mobile devices over the telecommunication networks for voice communication has evolved to a myriad of novel applications with heterogeneous network requirements. The conventional telecom-munication networks require a radical change to support these applications. Network Slicing (NS) is one of the utilitarian technologies in future telecommunication networks to address this challenge […]

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A Novel Network Slicing based Security-as-a-Service (SECaaS) Framework for Private 5G Networks

  • November 17, 2023
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Fifth Generation (5G) and beyond telecommunication networks introduce a set of novel technologies such as private 5G networks, also known as Local 5G Operator (L5GO), and Network Slicing (NS) for the realization of diverse novel applications with heterogeneous network requirements. Among other network-level requirements, security is a critical challenge in L5GO networks. Facilitating the security […]

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DROAD: Demand-aware reconfigurable optically-switched agile data center network

  • September 20, 2022
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We present a Demand-aware Reconfigurable Data Center Network architecture design (DROAD) with integrated fast-switching optics and space switches that allows dynamic reconfiguration and separation of intra- and inter-cluster connections. The performance analysis results show a 64% improvement in average Flow Completion Time and a significant reduction in TCP session time, as well as a reduced […]

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An Emergency Situation Detection System for Ambient Assisted Living

This paper proposes “An Emergency Situation Detection System for Ambient Assisted Living (AAL)”, to support elderly people and patients with chronic conditions and potential health-related emergencies to live independently. It implements an Internet of Things (IoT) network that continuously monitors the health conditions of these people. The network includes mobile phones, to transmit the data […]

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