
Trust Management and Bad Data Reduction in Internet of Vehicles Using Blockchain and AI

  • November 19, 2023
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Blockchain offers cryptographically secure storage for recording transactions. However, one issue with blockchains is the problem of bad data and data reliability, where bad data refers to inaccurate, incomplete, or irrelevant data. This paper investigates how machine learning (ML) can be used to identify inaccurate sensor data added to a blockchain in Internet of Vehicles […]

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Blockchain-based Roaming and Offload Service Platform for Local 5G Operators

  • February 1, 2023
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Local 5G Operator (L5GO) concept is one of themost prominent versatile applications of the 5G in the nearfuture. The popularity of L5GOs will trigger a greater numberof roaming and offloading events between mobile operators.However, existing static and operator-assisted roaming andoffloading procedures are inefficient for the L5GO ecosystem due topoor service quality, data privacy issues, data […]

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A Novel Blockchain-as-a-Service (BaaS) Platformfor Local 5G Operators

  • February 1, 2023
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5G is a promising technology that has the potentialto support verticals and applications such as Industrial Internetof Things IoT (IIoT), smart cities, autonomous vehicles, remotesurgeries, virtual and augmented realities, and so on. Theseverticals have a diverse set of network connectivity requirements,and it is challenging to deliver customized services for eachby using a common 5G infrastructure. […]

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Proof-of-Monitoring (PoM): A Novel ConsensusMechanism for Blockchain-based Secure ServiceLevel Agreement Management

  • February 1, 2023
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AIn the current 5th Generation (5G) networkingparadigm, the enforcement of Service Level Agreements (SLAs)is a non-trivial measure to ensure the scope and the qual-ity of services and standards between tenants and serviceproviders (SPs). On top of this, Secure Service Level Agree-ments (SSLA) are introduced to ensure that SPs deliver themost critical and required security-related standards […]

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