
Pawani Porambage


Pawani Porambage is a senior researcher at VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland and an Adjunct Professor at University of Oulu, Finland. She was a researcher at the Centre for Wireless Communications, University of Oulu, Finland over ten years. She obtained her B.Sc. Degree in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering from University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka in 2010, MSc. Degree in Ubiquitous Networking and Computer Networking from University of Nice Sophia-Anipolis, France in 2012, and Doctor of Technology in communication engineering from University of Oulu, Finland in 2018. She has over nine years of experience in network security domain and co-authored more than 50 publications. Her main research interests are network slicing, blockchain, lightweight security protocols, security and privacy on IoT, and AI/ML for security and privacy.
