
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
University of Sri Jayewardenepura
Sri Lanka

Charithri Yapa


University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka

Charithri Yapa received her B.Sc. degree (First Class Honours) in Electrical Engineering from the University of Moratuwa, Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, in 2016, the M.Sc. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada, in 2019 and Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from the University of Sri Jayewardenepura in 2024. She is currently a Lecturer at the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Sri Jayewardenepura (USJ)


Blockchain enabled Smart Grid 2.0

Smart Grid 2.0 (SG 2.0) architecture is envisaged to revolutionize the next generation of electricity networks. Further, it is identified as a key role player

Can Blockchain Strengthen the Energy Internet?

Emergence of the Energy Internet (EI) demands restructuring of traditional electricity gridsto integrate heterogeneous energy sources, distribution network management with grid intelligenceand big data management.


  1. 2024

    Doctor of Philosophy

    University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka
  2. 2019

    Master of Science

    University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada
  3. 2016

    Bachelor of Science in Engineering Honours

    Unievrsity of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka

Career path

  1. 2019-to date
    Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Sri Jayewardenepura
  2. 2017-2019
    Research Assistant
    Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada